Muscular & Skeletal System

Muscular System:

All mollusks have a foot that allows them to do different tasks.


Gastropod’s have their foot at the their ventral side which allows them to move around. Their foot is also able to be retracted through a retractor muscle.


Clams use their feet to dig into the ground. It can be located inside their shells.


For squids and octupus’ , their foot are at the ends of their 2 tentacles. They are able to squeeze through any hole or crevice as long as it’s larger than their beak.


Skeletal System:

Mollusks skeleton are practically their shell which is made out of calcium carbonate. Their shells can be those shells on snails or the 2-part shells of clams.

Cephalopods instead have an internal skeletal structure called “a pen” which helps them to keep their shape. This is only found on cuttlefish and squid.

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